How popular was your name Salome in 2024?

Graph below show the trend how the name Salome has been used between 1910 to now.

  • Origin: English, German, Georgian, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
  • Meaning: From an Aramaic name that was related to the Hebrew word שָׁלוֹם (shalom) meaning 'peace'. According to the historian Josephus this was the name of the daughter of Herodias (the consort of Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee). In the New Testament, though a specific name is not given, it was a daughter of Herodias who danced for Herod and was rewarded with the head of John the Baptist, and thus Salome and the dancer have traditionally been equated.As a Christian given name, Salome has been in occasional use since the Protestant Reformation. This was due to a second person of this name in the New Testament: one of the women who witnessed the crucifixion and later discovered that Jesus' tomb was empty. It is used in Georgia due to the 4th-century Salome of Ujarma, who is considered a saint in the Georgian Church.
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Explore the Popularity of Your Name in 2024

Curious to know how popular your name was in 2024? The graph above reveals the fascinating trend of how your name has been used over the years, tracing its journey from 1910 to the present. Whether your name has surged in popularity or remained a timeless favorite, this visualization provides a unique perspective on its historical significance and cultural impact.

By examining the fluctuations in your name's usage, you will see how it compares to other popular names over time. Whether you are exploring this data out of personal curiosity or to find inspiration for naming a child, this graph offers valuable insight into naming trends throughout the decades.